Nature Newfoundland and Labrador; Osprey Magazine

Osprey is the magazine of Nature Newfoundland and Labrador (formerly the Newfoundland and Labrador Natural History Society).

Burzynski M, Marceau A, Graham J, Voitk M, Voitk A: Come, foray with the Vikings! Osprey 41:18-19; 2010

Voitk A: The foray collection. Osprey 41:16; 2010

Voitk A: Discussion of the cumulative species curve of Foray Newfoundland & Labrador. Osprey 38:131-134, 2007

Voitk A, Warren G: Mycenas of the treetops. Osprey 42(1):12-13. 2011

Voitk A: Ochrolechia frigida (Swartz) Lynge—a cool lichen. Osprey 41(3):19-20; 2010

Voitk A: Auricularia americana—jelly tree ear. Osprey 41:17; 2010

Voitk A: A bitter trap Osprey 41:13; 2010

Voitk A, Ohenoja E: Multiclavula inNewfoundland and Labrador. Osprey 40:26-28; 2009

Voitk A: The austere Tomentella. Osprey 40:18-21; 2009

Voitk A: Two green cups. Osprey 39:117-119;2008

Voitk A: Polyozellus multiplex-an example of our mycological ignorance. Osprey 37:20-22; 2006.

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